Friday, July 29, 2011

RAGRAI 2011: The countdown begins

Friday, July 29Grinnell to Coralville  RAGBRAI.Friday

Leaving Grinnell also meant leaving Pete & Patty Guillaume's wonderful hospitality. WOW! Two of the kindest people you could meet. They graciously opened their home to all of us and then closed the evening with the offer of some lovely Iowa wines. But leave we must and so off we rode into the even more eastern edge of this friggin' hilly state of Iowa.

Another hot day but today there was also no breeze. 40 miles and more hills.

So I want to share with you my second observation (the first being the fact that Iowa is anything but flat). People in Iowa have no concept of distance or numbers. Why would I believe this? For 6 straight days the answer to the question "How much further?" asked of any townsperson (man, woman or child) was always the same..."Only 5 miles and just 1 or 2 hills".
you could ask the same question 20, 30 or 60 minutes later and you would get the same answer. What is up with this? So the lessons I have learned this week?

Iowa is THE hilliest state and also the only state where time has the ability to stand still while on a bicycle.

So to end this day 6 blog I will share with you a video that I received today from Davis Phinney (olympic cyclist with PD) ...

There is an excitement building in the camp as the sixth of seven rides is now under our belts.  It is hard to believe we are about to take our last ride....see you all tomorrow.

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