Monday, July 25, 2011

RAGBRAI 2011: day 2 ditto

Before I detail assured that last night I hoofed it in to town to The Farmers Kitchen and got myself a piece of pie.

Sourcream & raison!

A local speciality and the perfect way to end the day.  I actually have a picture of me enjoying said pie but Iowa is very WI-FI challenged and so I am very limited in what I can do.

Monday, July 25Atlantic to Carroll  RAGBRAI.

Another scorcher and we were informed last night that todays ride would be longer and hillier.

LONGER?  MORE HILLS?  Iowa is a cruel joke!

So, we took Jay at his word and exercised our option to start at the midway point.  30 miles and to our naïve surprise another day of incessant hills. Glenn was A true workhorse...bless his heart. BUT lady luck showed up and tonight the PD patients get to sleep in an airconditioned Apt! Need I say it?

  .  .  .  .  .   YAHOO!

Business first, I treated myself to a  much deserved nap. Then Jay gave a lecture at the local PD support group on forced exercise that many of us attended ending the afternoon with a deliciously large dairy whip from the local A & W...which if you didn't know stands for the men responsible Allen and Wright.  Back home I had a much needed deep tissue massage for my terribly sore quads (damn hills) so that I can get on with the business of day 3.  I would like to tell you about the landscape of Iowa but I will wait til I get WI-FI. We are all tired and sunburned and some of us more sore than others BUT all of this is good. RAGBRAI  may well turn out to be the most physically challenging goal I have ever set out to meet.....PD or no PD.  But had it not been for my PD, I am pretty certain that I would not be Iowa tonight.

Sweet dreams to my PFP teammates. May you dream of a day when Iowa is actually flat.

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