Tuesday, August 2, 2011

RAGBRAI 2011: Photo Journal

Pedaling for Parkinson's Gang 2011                                                                                                       

The day starts with a photo of Glenn and Karen....did you say photo?  Since when does a photo talk?  When Kathy takes the picture it does! Nonetheless, the two cyclists with PD are ready to start the week.  Little do they know what lies ahead.

For many of the elite cyclists the day starts early.  At some point during the week it becomes known that there  are some who actually ride the route twice in one day.  Certain groups fall into place during the day but all come together each evening.

Each night the cyclists pitch tents, repair bikes and yes, even tend to laundry.

Glenn & Me

There are thousands and thousands of cyclists traveling across this corn-filled state of Iowa.  There is a rhythm that develops...banter among groups and chit chat between strangers....the background noise of rider off, on your left, slowing, car up, rumble, rider on fills the gaps between lulls in conversation.


Stretches of Iowa cornfields are broken up by the towns that dot the landscape.  Cyclists descend like locusts in search of water and other forms of sustenance....or sometimes just to rest those tired quads and butts!


These small Iowa towns are quaint but ready and waiting for RAGBRAI.  The streets are widen to accommodate the over 10,000 riders, leaving little space for yards along some of the paths.  The folks in these tiny towns were as nice as they come and lest you forget....

they know how to make a mighty fine pie!



Although a close second was the PB&J stand that followed us along our route....setting up their wares somewhere along the stretch of road scheduled for each day.  These families became the constant throughout the week....it  was good to know that they would be along the way when you needed to take that needed break.                                              

But in the end, we had miles and miles of Iowa roads to travel....without towns or the townspeople.  Just the beautifully rolling hills (did I just say the hills were beautiful?) of this midwest state.  The green countryside seemed even more so in the bright hot sun creating a spectacular view.



Yet, NO pie tasted as good as the ground in Davenport Iowa....goal accomplished for Karen & Glenn.


So, let me introduce you to just a few of the people Glenn and I spent the week with....

John "pay at the  pump" McClintock

Sam & Liz



Sarah, Abby, Jay, Cameron


The gang


But I must send out an extra special thanks to the following people, without which Glenn & I would still be back in Glenwood.

Kerry my bike mechanic

Sue my body mechanic

                Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of Frank* my bicycle chauffeur but hats off to him!

My final thanks go to my enormously generous and kind cycling mate Glenn.  I could not have done this without his strength and his lovely sense of humor.   I will never listen to Van Halen or YoYo Ma again without thinking about him.  It was a lovely week Mr Southworth.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I want to acknowledge that some of the photos here were taken by my fellow cyclists...they certainly were helpful at telling this story.

*Frank IS in the group pic at the beginning of this last entry...he is on the far left in a blue t shirt.